
This is my write-up for the machine on Hack The Box called Valentine located at:

I started off with an nmap scan:

This was a preliminary scan. I then ran a deeper scan (nmap -T4 -A -v -Pn -p- -oN valentine.nmap_full) to see if the basic scan missed anything:

On port 80, we get greeted by the following image:

I then ran the following dirsearch command to see what directories are available for me to access:

dirsearch -e php,html,js,cgi,bak,txt -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-lowercase-2.3-medium.txt -t 50

I then saw from the results that /dev was available for me to access:



The hype_key file looked like hexadecimal to me, so I used an online converter to see if I can get the ASCII of it:

It seemed to be a private RSA key. At this time, my dirsearch command had completed from running:

The /encode and /decode both look similar and both use base64 in order to decode and encode:

/omg turned out to be the picture on the home screen we saw earlier:

In the notes, this stuck out to me:

It seems the encoding and decoding is done server-side as well. I tried to run the following, in order to get a reverse shell, but it did not work:

I was not sure how to bypass this, so I had to view the official Hack The Box write-up for this machine. Before I got any answers, I noticed this:

It seems that I have to exploit Heartbleed. Running a Metasploit module on it reveals that it is exploitable:

This did not get me anywhere, so I looked at the same write-up again and noticed that I didn't connect a couple of dots together. When I tried to use the private key that I had found earlier in the hype_key file, I was asked for a password, which I did not know. In addition, while I was running the Metaploit module, I kept on getting the following:

Decoding this gives us the following:

The dots that I was not able to connect was that this was the password for the private key file. The username for the server, hype, I should have assumed since the name of the file was hype_key. Using this information, I was able to get a shell:

I then had gotten the user.txt flag:

I then imported to the server using a python3 module:

Running, I noticed something interesting:

I had access to the tmux program, but I did not know where to go from there. I then read the official write-up and found out that I overlooked the ps aux command that shows what processes are being run currently. This would have showed me a root command of tmux being ran. If I ran that myself, I then get root:

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