
This is my write-up for the machine TartarSauce on Hack The Box located at: https://app.hackthebox.com/machines/TartarSauce.

Running an nmap scan (nmap -T4 -A -v -oN tartarsauce.full) we get the following:

The main page doesn't really have anything helpful on it:

Going to one of the "disallowed entries" from the nmap scan we get to the following:

To me this is a sign that this web server is using monstra as its CMS. I then ran dirsearch with the following command to see what directories/files I can access:

dirsearch -e php,html,js,cgi,bak,txt -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-lowercase-2.3-medium.txt -t 50

So I was about to make a hydra command to run on the page, but what ended up happening was that when I typed in admin/admin to see what the error code would be, I actually got in:

After trying to upload a reverse PHP shell to the system unsuccessfully for a while, I decided to read up on this write-up, which made me realize I had over looked the sub-directories for the /webservices directory:

Based on the write-up previously, I also ended up running wpscan as well. The issue I ran into here was that the write-ups I was looking at online were showing that they had Gwolle Guestbook in their outputs for the wpscan. I was not getting that output. After some researching and tweaking, I was able to find the command that worked for me:

wpscan --url --enumerate p,t,u -v --plugins-detection aggressive --api-token API-TOKEN-HERE

This then resulted in this:

At this point, I had no idea what to do, so I looked at the official Hack The Box write-up for this machine, and learned that in the IP_Address/webservices/wp/wp-content/plugins/gwolle-gb/readme.txt file, there is the following:

It seems that the actual version is 1.5.3. Then found this exploit-db page which has an exploit for this exact version:

I was trying the link, but kept on failing. Reading the official write-up, I realized that the URL I had made was incorrect. The correct one was the following:

What I had done prior to this was downloaded pentestmonkey's php-reverse-shell file from GitHub and renamed it to wp-load.php (based on the recommendation from the exploit-db entry previously mentioned). I did edit the php-reverse-shell to have my IP Address in it, that way I can get a connection back when executed. I also had a python3 HTTP Server running that way I can get the file from my own machine:

After I ran the aforementioned link, I got a shell:

I then upgraded the shell using a command from this website:

In the /home directory, there is a user named onuma, but as the www-data, I do not have access to the user. I then downloaded the linpeas.sh file from GitHub, and then used a python3 HTTP Server to upload it to the remote target:

I then ran linpeas.sh on the remote machine. I saw the following interesting things:

Searching on Google for "run sudo as another user" gave the following answer:

Combining this with the GTFOBins command for the /bin/tar command, I was able to make the following command and switch user to onuma:

I then got the user.txt flag:

I then ran linpeas again, this time as the onuma user. Here's what I had found interesting this time:

Reading this write-up, I learned about pspy and that I should upload it to the remote machine in order to see what is being run in the cronjobs:

I was not aware of this, but the aforementioned write-up pointed out that this was an unusual software to be run:

After reading the /usr/sbin/backuperer file using the cat command, I was still unsure about what to do. I copied the script from this write-up, and uploaded it to the machine using the python3 HTTP Server module. Running the code led me to the root flag:

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