This is my write-up for the machine Bashed on Hack The Box located at:
I am a beginner at penetration testing, so I will be referencing the Official Hack The Box Walk-through for this machine.
basic nmap scan: nmap
We can see that port 80 (http) is open. I did a deeper nmap scan as well:
The port open is still the same. Going to the http site, we see the following:
I got a hint from this that phpbash is being used on the server and that I will have to exploit it. I ran gobuster to see what directories were available:
The uploads directory was empty, and I believe we will have to upload a shell there. The php directory had the following:
The file was empty when downloaded. Looking in the dev folder, I was able to find the shell:
I was then able to find the user.txt flag:
Running sudo -l
, I was able to see the following:
I then realized I would have to upload a reverse shell to the system. There were two ways in my mind: netcat and pentestmonkey php-reverse-shell. I tried the pentestmonkey option first. I downloaded it from here, and then edited the IP address to be mine and then was able to upload it using python3 -m http.server
I then accessed the file on the website and was able to get a reverse shell using netcat:
After a while of searching for a way to get out of a limited shell, I found this site, where I saw the following:
Running that command got me out of the limited shell:
The sudo -l
command from before shows us that the user we currently are has access to run commands as scriptmanager. A quick Google search showed me that to run a command as another user is to run sudo -u scriptmanager
. I wanted to get a reverse shell as the scriptmanager user:
I edited the payload from this website:
I get the same error as before:
When I ran linpeas (not shown in write-up, but uploaded the same way as the reverse shell), I noticed that there was a folder called scripts:
The code writes text to a file. At this point, I was actually lost. I found this write-up that clarifies that I should have been focused on the cron jobs and noticed that the file is ran by root in the cron job. I changed the original test.txt file by overwriting it by doing the following:
The content of the file was the following (from the write-up mentioned before):
I was then able to get root (after a minute) and the root flag:
Going back to see where my mistake was, I should have noticed this in the output of
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